Friday 7 July 2017


The story of Sindbad the Sailor

Q I. Write the meanings of the given words-
  1. Merchandise-goods or things for sale.
  2.  Trade-given in return of something, sell.
  3. Strolled-walked here and there, without hurrying.
  4. Sprang up-developed and began to blow suddenly.
  5. Blaze-burn strongly
  6. Afloat-floating
  7. All the strength that he could muster-all the strength that he could use that time
  8. Inland-towards an area of  land away from seashore
  9. Grooms-persons who takes care of horses
  10. Quay-a platform in  a part or harbor where boats come to load or unload their luggage
  11. Cargo-load of goods or things carried in a ship (or an aeroplane)

Q II. Make sentences from the given words.

  1. Overjoyed   - Rahul was overjoyed to receive surprise gift from his grandpa.
  2. Valuable      -We should take care of our valuable things in public places.
  3. Generous      - Mother Teresa was very generous towards poor and needy people.
  4. Impressed    - Everyone was impressed with the speech of the little girl.
  5. Exhausted     -I was exhausted due to a lot of heat.

Q III. Answer the following in one sentence.

1. What is the collection of stories of seven voyages of Sindbad  known as?
Ans. The collection of stories seven voyages of Sindbad is known as ‘The Book of One Thousand and One Nights’ or ‘The Arabian Nights’.

2. With whom did Sindbad set sail?
Ans. Sindbad set sail with the company of sailors.

3. What did people do on the island?
Ans. The people strolled around and sang and danced on the island. Some began to wash clothes, while some lit fires to cook meal.

4. What happened to the land suddenly?
Ans. The island suddenly began to shake and move.

5. What was the land actually?
Ans. The island was actually the back of a huge sea-monster.

Q IV. Answer the following in brief.

 I. Write the few lines about-

A) Sindbad- Sindbad was a famous sailor who lived  in Baghdad. He was honest, generous and brave. He had made many adventures on his voyages. He never lost heart and hope in dangerous situations.

B) The sea-monster- The sea monster was huge. Most of his body was under the water. When it felt the hot fire in its back, it plunged deep into the sea.

C) The King of the island- The king of the island was very kind and generous. When Sindbad had no place to go, he asked Sindbad to stay with him. He also asked him to work an officer of the King at the port. He gave Sindbad many valuable gifts when Sindbad left the island.

Q V. Do as directed (Grammar)

A) Refer page no. 7, 8,9,10 from grammar book.

B) Write the opposites of the following words.

1) Washed x unwashed
2) Dawn x dusk
3) Kind x cruel
4) Huge x tiny
5) Float x sink
6) Brave x coward

Rade Raghunath

Author & Editor

Assistant Teacher


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