Sunday 25 June 2017

Std:3 E.V.S - Lesson No. 1:- Our Environment

Our Environment

Q.1. Fill in the blanks

a) The place of a stone changes  only if someone picks it up and moves it.
b)  We weave clothes from cotton , wool , and silk .
c) Leaves fall off  trees. They , too , rot and get mixed with the soil .

Q.2. State whether the given statements are True or False.
a) The seeds of some plants are scattered by the wind.            True.
b)Plants are non-living things.                                                  False.
c)Sparrows grow by eating insects and  food grains.                 True.

Q.3.  Answer the following questions in one sentence only

a) What are the uses of cotton?
Ans:- Cotton is used to weave the clothes.

b) What are the chappals made from ?
Ans :- Chappals are made of leather.

c) If there is a loud noise nearby , What will  a sparrow do ? what will a stone do ?
Ans:- A sparrow will fly away ,While no changes will be observed in stone. 

d) What does the house lizard eat ?
Ans:-  The house lizard eats insects.

e) Make a list of things in your house that are made of wood.
Ans:- Table , chair , cupboard , showcase , bed etc.

f) Name the animals that feed on mice .
Ans:- Cat and snake

Q.4. Answer the following questions in brief.
a) What are the things that we get from our environment?
Ans:- We get food , water , air , wood , stone ,
          soil , rocks  etc. from our environment.

b) What help do plants get from the environment ?
Ans:- The seeds of some plants scattered by the                       
           wind , water , animals and birds. As a   
           result , seedlings  of those plants grow in
           new places. In this way plants get help
           from their  environment.

c) What makes the soil in the forest fertile ?
Ans:- The remains of dead animals decay and
           mix with soil . Leaves fall off from trees
           and get rot  & mixed in soil after
           sometime . In this way soil becomes

d) How do the sheep and shrub help each other?
Ans:- A sheep’s body is covered with wool. The
          sheep feeds on leaves of shrubs . As it  
         does  so ,  the seeds of some shrubs can
        get caught in its wool . When the sheep
        goes  somewhere else , the seeds may fall
        off there . Thus, the sheep helps new
        seedlings of the shrub to grow in many  
        different places. In this way , the sheep and      
         the shrub help each other. 

Q.5. Find out odd man
        a) blackboard , pen , ball , sparrow  
        Ans:- Sparrow because  it is living thing.

        b) lion , cow , spoon , parrot
        Ans:- Spoon because it is non- living thing.

        c)Elephant , giraffe , cow , rat
        Ans:- Rat because it is small animal.

      d) rose , neem , cat , banyan .
       Ans:-  Cat because it is animal.

      e)  bag , fruit , stone , water
       Ans:- Bag  because we do not get it from  

Q.6. Write the difference between Living things
and Non-living things.

                                 Living Things
                      Non-living things
 They need food , air , and water to survive.
They  do not need food , air , and water to survive.
They can grow .
They can  not grow


Rade Raghunath

Author & Editor

Assistant Teacher